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USASOA- Food For Troops Pantry - Supporting Military Families Struggling With Food Insecurity
As a 501c3 tax exempt charity and veteran service organization, for the past 10 years, United Soldiers and Sailors of America - USASOA has been collecting and providing our homeless and elderly at-risk veterans with nonperishable food, toiletries and other necessities of life. We have created a special Amazon Store through which every American is able to make an impact from the comfort of their homes supporting our homeless and elderly veterans who live on very meager budgets. It's in our DNA as Americans to take care of each other during difficult times. Please consider making a purchase of one or several of the items most needed by our homeless or at-risk veterans. The items will be delivered to our Capitol Hill office in Washington, DC where our volunteers with organize and then deliver all donations to the Department of Veterans Affairs Homeless Shelter and Resource Center, 1500 Franklin St. NE, Washington, DC 20018. The items are then put directly into the hands of our homeless and at-risk elderly veterans who engage the facility. There can be no easier or more direct way in which you can have a more direct and meaningful impact on the quality of life for our often forgotten and marginalized homeless veterans. If you wish to learn more or make a monetary donation, please go to https://www.usasoa.org/donate
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