•Softness: Very soft both at the edges and layer that touches the skin. I've developed a super fun new postpartum condition of a full-body, super itchy rash that's worst all over my breasts. These puppies have really helped decrease the irritability and severity on my breasts. When my rash is flaring up, I like to change out the pads 1-2x a day to keep it as dry as possible. The softness of these pads are SO APPRECIATED especially during a flair up!
•Size: Great large size. I was worried the circumference would be too big and peek out the top of my plunge cups. Not the case if I position them right!
•Absorbancy: Fantastic! I haven't had any leakage at all! And that says something because I'm still in the newborn phase and my breasts are leaking all the time.
•Value for the money: YES! Absolutely!
•I don't really have any! I'm VERY pleased with these! If I really racked my brain, I suppose, the washing bag they came with is too small.
•Maybe wicking? They're not completely dry to the touch if I'm producing a lot of milk. But, in that case, I'll change them out.
•I wash these in warm water (to be sure the milk proteins come out of the material) If you wash them in cold, it reduces the absorbancy and makes them kind of stiff and itchy. I wash them with cottons/ natural fibers on a normal setting, not delicate because I want to make sure then get a good wash. I don't put them in a “delicates bag” either for this reason. I dry on high to kill any bacteria that might be there and to be sure they're dried all the way through. They come out softer with every wash and not at all damaged or decreased in quality or “build”.
•I wear 1 set of pads per 12 hours on most days unless I'm suffering from a rash flair-up, in which I'll use 2 sets in 12 hours.