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The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God Kindle Edition
“A stunningly valuable legacy left to all of us by a great human being. I miss him so.” —Kurt Vonnegut
Carl Sagan's prophetic vision of the tragic resurgence of fundamentalism and the hope-filled potential of the next great development in human spirituality
The late great astronomer and astrophysicist describes his personal search to understand the nature of the sacred in the vastness of the cosmos. Exhibiting a breadth of intellect nothing short of astounding, Sagan presents his views on a wide range of topics, including the likelihood of intelligent life on other planets, creationism and so-called intelligent design, and a new concept of science as "informed worship." Originally presented at the centennial celebration of the famous Gifford Lectures in Scotland in 1985 but never published, this book offers a unique encounter with one of the most remarkable minds of the twentieth century.
- ISBN-109781101201831
- ISBN-13978-1594201073
- PublisherPenguin Books
- Publication dateNovember 2, 2006
- LanguageEnglish
- File size2.9 MB
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Editorial Reviews
From Scientific American
George Johnson is author of Fire in the Mind: Science, Faith, and the Search for Order and six other books. He resides on the Web at talaya.net
From Booklist
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
“A stunningly valuable legacy left to all of us by a great human being. I miss him so.” —Kurt Vonnegut
About the Author
From The Washington Post
In 1877, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli was looking at Mars through his new telescope, and he noticed intricate etchings in the equatorial region of the planet's surface. Schiaparelli called these lines canali, by which he probably meant something like "gullies" or "grooves," but his coinage got wrongly translated into English as "canals." It was a regrettable linguistic slip.
The idea of Martian canals grabbed the imagination of American astronomer Percival Lowell, scion of the famous Boston Lowell clan, who spun out an elaborate story of a Martian civilization with a central planetary government and the technological wizardry to engineer a massive system of aqueducts. Lowell even used his own Arizona observatory to identify the Martian capital, called Solis Lacus.
There are no canals on Mars. No cities either, and no government. Indeed, no signs of past life whatsoever, as we know today. All of this was an elaborate phantasm of Lowell's fertile mind, yet as late as the 1950s, popular culture was saturated with imagery of Martians as a technologically advanced extraterrestrial race.
The late Carl Sagan used the misbegotten tale of Martian engineers, in his 1985 Gifford Lectures in Natural Theology at the University of Glasgow, as a cautionary tale about the power of belief and yearning to trump science and reason. The Cornell University astrophysicist, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and TV personality was alarmed by the persistence of such magical thinking even into the late 20th century, despite tremendous scientific progress in understanding both human nature and the cosmos. He used the prestigious lecture series (collected here for the first time by his widow and long-time collaborator, Ann Druyan) as an opportunity to challenge the evidence for everything from the Bermuda Triangle to UFOs to angels and deities. But just as important, he used the lectures to spell out his views on the common ground shared by science and spirituality.
Sagan does not deny the existence of God. Nor does he affirm it. As he quips in the lively Q&A section appended to the lectures, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." What Sagan does do is insist on the primacy of scientific method and scientific evidence, and he holds the many and various "proofs" of God's existence up to these scientific standards. Most are found wanting. But Sagan is not harsh in his critiques of religious thought; he is more perplexed by theology's narrow and unimaginative vision.
Why would an all-powerful God work only on a local (and recent) project like the Earth when there is a vast, 15-billion-year-old universe out there, with countless galaxies containing countless stars and the possibility of countless worlds? Why didn't God let us know about quantum mechanics and natural selection and cosmology from the get-go? And why would theologians insist on such a provincial version of the creation and God's imagination?
Sagan is not being flip or heretical, though he is intellectually playful and obviously likes the fray. Sagan took his own spirituality seriously -- indeed, he defined science as "informed worship." The closest he comes to articulating his own view of God is to describe admiringly the philosophies of Spinoza and Einstein, who basically considered God the sum total of all the laws of physics. These laws, he emphasizes again and again, govern not just the Earth and humanity but every solar system and every star and every galaxy. They are not local ordinances.
Central to Sagan's personal search for the existence of God is the question of other life in the universe. For him, the requirements for proof of extraterrestrial intelligence are essentially the same requirements for proof of angels or demigods or a God. Sagan spends much of one lecture on the so-called Drake equation, which is a way of estimating the number of technologically advanced civilizations in the galaxy. The equation incorporates several values, including the rate of star formation, the fraction of stars with planets around them, the fraction likely to have evolved intelligent life and so forth.
The confounding value is L, which stands for the average lifetime of a technologically advanced civilization. If you plug in an optimistic value, assuming such civilizations are long-lived, then the equation predicts that there are millions of intelligent societies out there, and likely one just a few hundred light years away. That's a long way by spaceship, but really right next door if you're going at the speed of light, which means that our radio telescopes should be able to pick up signals from other advanced beings who want to contact us.
But what if the value of L is low? What if technologically advanced civilizations don't last very long on average? If highly intelligent races tend to perish quickly, then the Drake equation predicts not millions of such civilizations but one. Us. We are alone.
In 1985, Sagan was especially concerned about the 55,000 nuclear warheads strategically placed around the globe, threatening to make Earth a cosmological loser. A recurring theme in these lectures is that our scientific prowess is double-edged, revealing the awesomeness of nature while landing us in great peril.
Yet this is not a dour book. Far from it. Sagan was fundamentally an optimist, and The Varieties of Scientific Experience is mostly a joyful, celebratory meditation on nature and the expansiveness of the human spirit. The volume was published on the 10th anniversary of Sagan's death in December 1996. For those who have sorely missed his clear and wise voice, it will be received as a gift.
Copyright 2007, The Washington Post. All Rights Reserved.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Carl Sagan (November 9, 1934–December 20, 1996) was professor of astronomy and space sciences and director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University. He played a leading role in the Mariner, Viking, and Voyager spacecraft expeditions to the planets, for which he twice received the NASA Medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement. Dr. Sagan received the Pulitzer Prize and the highest awards of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation and many other awards for his contributions to science, literature, education, and the preservation of the environment. His book Cosmos (accompanying his Emmy and Peabody Award–winning television series of the same name) was the bestselling science book ever published in the English language, and his bestselling novel Contact was turned into a major motion picture.
Dr. Sagan was among the first to alert the public to the danger of global warming and the potential climatic consequences of nuclear war. In the 1980s he initiated the campaign to forge an alliance between religion and science to protect the environment.
A Personal View of the Search for God
Edited by ANN DRUYAN
Illustrations Editor and Scientific Consultant Steven Soter
Editor’s Introduction
Author’s Introduction
Figure Captions
Editor’s Introduction
Carl Sagan was a scientist, but he had some qualities that I associate with the Old Testament. When he came up against a wall—the wall of jargon that mystifies science and withholds its treasures from the rest of us, for example, or the wall around our souls that keeps us from taking the revelations of science to heart—when he came up against one of those topless old walls, he would, like some latter-day Joshua, use all of his many strengths to bring it down.
As a child in Brooklyn, he had recited the Hebrew V’Ahavta prayer from Deuteronomy at temple services: “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might.” He knew it by heart, and it may have been the inspiration for him to first ask, What is love without understanding? And what greater might do we possess as human beings than our capacity to question and to learn?
The more Carl learned about nature, about the vastness of the universe and the awesome timescales of cosmic evolution, the more he was uplifted.
Another way in which he was Old Testament: He couldn’t live a compartmentalized life, operating on one set of assumptions in the laboratory and keeping another, conflicting set for the Sabbath. He took the idea of God so seriously that it had to pass the most rigorous standards of scrutiny.
How was it, he wondered, that the eternal and omniscient Creator described in the Bible could confidently assert so many fundamental misconceptions about Creation? Why would the God of the Scriptures be far less knowledgeable about nature than are we, newcomers, who have only just begun to study the universe? He could not bring himself to overlook the Bible’s formulation of a flat, six-thousand-year-old earth, and he found especially tragic the notion that we had been created separately from all other living things. The discovery of our relatedness to all life was borne out by countless distinct and compelling lines of evidence. For Carl, Darwin’s insight that life evolved over the eons through natural selection was not just better science than Genesis, it also afforded a deeper, more satisfying spiritual experience.
He believed that the little we do know about nature suggests that we know even less about God. We had only just managed to get an inkling of the grandeur of the cosmos and its exquisite laws that guide the evolution of trillions if not infinite numbers of worlds. This newly acquired vision made the God who created the World seem hopelessly local and dated, bound to transparently human misperceptions and conceits of the past.
This was no glib assertion on his part. He avidly studied the world’s religions, both living and defunct, with the same hunger for learning that he brought to scientific subjects. He was enchanted by their poetry and history. When he debated religious leaders, he frequently surprised them with his ability to out-quote the sacred texts. Some of these debates led to longstanding friendships and alliances for the protection of life. However, he never understood why anyone would want to separate science, which is just a way of searching for what is true, from what we hold sacred, which are those truths that inspire love and awe.
His argument was not with God but with those who believed that our understanding of the sacred had been completed. Science’s permanently revolutionary conviction that the search for truth never ends seemed to him the only approach with sufficient humility to be worthy of the universe that it revealed. The methodology of science, with its error-correcting mechanism for keeping us honest in spite of our chronic tendencies to project, to misunderstand, to deceive ourselves and others, seemed to him the height of spiritual discipline. If you are searching for sacred knowledge and not just a palliative for your fears, then you will train yourself to be a good skeptic.
The idea that the scientific method should be applied to the deepest of questions is frequently decried as “scientism.” This charge is made by those who hold that religious beliefs should be off-limits to scientific scrutiny—that beliefs (convictions without evidence that can be tested) are a sufficient way of knowing. Carl understood this feeling, but he insisted with Bertrand Russell that “what is wanted is not the will to believe, but the desire to find out, which is the exact opposite.” And in all things, even when it came to facing his own cruel fate—he succumbed to pneumonia on December 20, 1996, after enduring three bone-marrow transplants—Carl didn’t want just to believe: He wanted to know.
Until about five hundred years ago, there had been no such wall separating science and religion. Back then they were one and the same. It was only when a group of religious men who wished “to read God’s mind” realized that science would be the most powerful means to do so that a wall was needed. These men—among them Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and, much later, Darwin—began to articulate and internalize the scientific method. Science took off for the stars, and institutional religion, choosing to deny the new revelations, could do little more than build a protective wall around itself.
Science has carried us to the gateway to the universe. And yet our conception of our surroundings remains the disproportionate view of the still-small child. We are spiritually and culturally paralyzed, unable to face the vastness, to embrace our lack of centrality and find our actual place in the fabric of nature. We batter this planet as if we had someplace else to go. That we even do science is a hopeful glimmer of mental health. However, it’s not enough merely to accept these insights intellectually while we cling to a spiritual ideology that is not only rootless in nature but also, in many ways, contemptuous of what is natural. Carl believed that our best hope of preserving the exquisite fabric of life on our world would be to take the revelations of science to heart.
And that he did. “Every one of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious,” he wrote in his book Cosmos. “If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies you will not find another.” He lobbied NASA for years to instruct Voyager 2 to look back to Earth and take a picture of it from out by Neptune. Then he asked us to meditate on that image and see our home for what it is—just a tiny “pale blue dot” afloat in the immensity of the universe. He dreamed that we might attain a spiritual understanding of our true circumstances. Like a prophet of old, he wanted to arouse us from our stupor so that we would take action to protect our home.
Carl wanted us to see ourselves not as the failed clay of a disappointed Creator but as starstuff, made of atoms forged in the fiery hearts of distant stars. To him we were “starstuff pondering the stars; organized assemblages of 10 billion billion billion atoms considering the evolution of atoms; tracing the long journey by which, here at least, consciousness arose.” For him science was, in part, a kind of “informed worship.” No single step in the pursuit of enlightenment should ever be considered sacred; only the search was.
This imperative was one of the reasons he was willing to get into so much trouble with his colleagues for tearing down the walls that have excluded most of us from the insights and values of science. Another was his fear that we would be unable to keep even the limited degree of democracy we have achieved. Our society is based on science and high technology, but only a small minority among us has even a superficial understanding of how they work. How can we hope to be responsible citizens of a democratic society, informed decision makers regarding the inevitable challenges posed by these newly acquired powers?
This vision of a critically thoughtful public, awakened to science as a way of thinking, impelled him to speak at many places where scientists were not usually found: kindergartens, naturalization ceremonies, an all-black college in the segregated South of 1962, at demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience, on the Tonight show. And he did this while maintaining a pioneering, astonishingly productive, fearlessly interdisciplinary scientific career.
He was especially thrilled to be invited to give the Gifford Lectures on Natural Theology of 1985 at the University of Glasgow. He would be following in the footsteps of some of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the last hundred years—including James Frazer, Arthur Eddington, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr, Alfred North Whitehead, Albert Schweitzer, and Hannah Arendt.
Carl saw these lectures as a chance to set down in detail his understanding of the relationship between religion and science and something of his own search to understand the nature of the sacred. In the course of them, he touches on several themes that he had written about elsewhere; however, what follows is the definitive statement of what he took pains to stress were only his personal views on this endlessly fascinating subject.
At the beginning of each Gifford Lecture, a distinguished member of the university community would introduce Carl and marvel at the need for still more additional halls to accommodate the overflow audience. I have been careful not to change the meaning of anything Carl said, but I have taken the liberty of editing out those gracious introductory remarks as well as the hundred or more notations on the audio transcripts that merely say “[Laughter].”
I ask the reader to keep in mind at all times that any deficiencies of this book are my responsibility and not Carl’s. Despite the fact that the unedited transcripts reveal a man who spoke extemporaneously in nearly perfect paragraphs, a collection of lectures is not exactly the same thing as a book. This is especially true when the Pulitzer Prize–winning author in question never published anything without combing at least twenty or twenty-five iterations of every manuscript for error or stylistic infelicity.
There was plenty of laughter during these lectures, but also the kind of pin-drop silence that comes when the audience and the speaker are united in the thrall of an idea. The extended dialogues in some of the question-and-answer periods capture a sense of what it was like to explore a question with Carl. I attended every lecture, and more than twenty years later what remains with me was his extraordinary combination of principled, crystal-clear advocacy coupled with respect and tenderness toward those who did not share his views.
The American psychologist and philosopher William James gave the Gifford Lectures in the first years of the twentieth century. He later turned them into an extraordinarily influential book entitled The Varieties of Religious Experience, which remains in print till this day. Carl admired James’s definition of religion as a “feeling of being at home in the Universe,” quoting it at the conclusion of Pale Blue Dot, his vision of the human future in space. The title of the book you hold in your hands is a tip of the hat to the illustrious tradition of the Gifford Lectures. My variation on James’s title is intended to convey that science opens the way to levels of consciousness that are otherwise inaccessible to us; that, contrary to our cultural bias, the only gratification that science denies to us is deception. I hope it also honors the breadth of searching and the richness of insight that distinguished Carl Sagan’s indivisible life and work. The varieties of his scientific experience were exemplified by oneness, humility, community, wonder, love, courage, remembrance, openness, and compassion.
In that same drawer where the transcript of these lectures was rediscovered, there was a sheaf of notes intended for a book we never had the chance to write. Its working title was Ethos, and it would have been our attempt to synthesize the spiritual perspectives we derived from the revelations of science. We collected filing cabinets’ worth of notes and references on the subject. Among them was a quotation Carl had excerpted from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716), the mathematical and philosophical genius, who had invented differential and integral calculus independently of Isaac Newton. Leibniz argued that God should be the wall that stopped all further questioning, as he famously wrote in this passage from Principles of Nature and Grace:
“Why does something exist rather than nothing? For ‘nothing’ is simpler than ‘something.’ Now this sufficient reason for the existence of the universe…which has no need of any other reason…must be a necessary being, else we should not have a sufficient reason with which we could stop.”
And just beneath the typed quote, three small handwritten words in red pen, a message from Carl to Leibniz and to us: “So don’t stop.”
Ithaca, New York
March 21, 2006
Author’s Introduction
In these lectures I would like, following the wording of the Gifford Trust, to tell you something of my views on what at least used to be called natural theology, which, as I understand it, is everything about the world not supplied by revelation. This is a very large subject, and I will necessarily have to pick and choose topics. I want to stress that what I will be saying are my own personal views on this boundary area between science and religion. The amount that has been written on the subject is enormous, certainly more than 10 million pages, or roughly 1011 bits of information. That’s a very low lower limit. And nevertheless no one can claim to have read even a tiny fraction of that body of literature or even a representative fraction. So it is only in the hope that much that has been written is unnecessary to be read that one can approach the subject at all. I’m aware of many limitations in the depth and breadth of my own understanding of both subjects, and so ask your indulgence. Fortunately, there was a question period after each of the Gifford Lectures, in which the more egregious of my errors could be pointed out, and I was genuinely delighted by the vigorous give-and-take in those sessions.
Even if definitive statements on these subjects were possible, what follows is not such. My objective is much more modest. I hope only to trace my own thinking and understanding of the subject in the hopes that it will stimulate others to go further, and perhaps through my errors—I hope not to have made many, but it was inevitable that I would—new insights will emerge.
Glasgow, Scotland
October 14, 1985
The truly pious must negotiate a difficult course between the precipice of godlessness and the marsh of superstition.
• Plutarch •
Certainly both extremes are to be avoided, except what are they? What is godlessness? Does not the concern to avoid the “precipice of godlessness” presuppose the very issue that we are to discuss? And what exactly is superstition? Is it just, as some have said, other people’s religion? Or is there some standard by which we can detect what constitutes superstition?
For me, I would say that superstition is marked not by its pretension to a body of knowledge but by its method of seeking truth. And I would like to suggest that superstition is very simple: It is merely belief without evidence. The question of what constitutes evidence in this interesting subject, I will try to address. And I will return to this question of the nature of evidence and the need for skeptical thinking in theological inquiry.
The word “religion” comes from the Latin for “binding together,” to connect that which has been sundered apart. It’s a very interesting concept. And in this sense of seeking the deepest interrelations among things that superficially appear to be sundered, the objectives of religion and science, I believe, are identical or very nearly so. But the question has to do with the reliability of the truths claimed by the two fields and the methods of approach.
By far the best way I know to engage the religious sensibility, the sense of awe, is to look up on a clear night. I believe that it is very difficult to know who we are until we understand where and when we are. I think everyone in every culture has felt a sense of awe and wonder looking at the sky. This is reflected throughout the world in both science and religion. Thomas Carlyle said that wonder is the basis of worship. And Albert Einstein said, “I maintain that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research.” So if both Carlyle and Einstein could agree on something, it has a modest possibility of even being right.
Here are two images of the universe. For obvious reasons they concentrate not on the spaces in which there is nothing but on the locales in which there is something. It would be very dull if I simply showed you image after image of darkness. But I stress that the universe is mainly made of nothing, that something is the exception. Nothing is the rule. That darkness is a commonplace; it is light that is the rarity. As between darkness and light, I am unhesitatingly on the side of light (especially in an illustrated book). But we must remember that the universe is an almost complete and impenetrable darkness and the sparse sources of light, the stars, are far beyond our present ability to create or control. This prevalence of darkness, both factually and metaphorically, is worth contemplating before setting out on such an exploration.
fig. 1
fig. 2
fig. 3
This image is intended for orientation. It is an artist’s impression of the solar system, in which the sizes of the objects but not their relative distances are to scale. And you can see that there are four large bodies other than the Sun, and the rest is debris. We live on the third piece of debris from the Sun; a tiny world of rock and metal with a thin patina—a veneer—of organic matter on the surface, a tiny fraction of which we happen to constitute.
This picture was made by Thomas Wright of Durham, who published an extraordinary book in 1750, which he quite properly called An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe. Wright was, among other things, an architect and a draftsman. This picture conveys a remarkable sense, for the first time, of looking at the solar system and beyond, to scale. What you can see here is the Sun, and to scale to the size of the Sun is the distance to the orbit of Mercury. Then the planets Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn—the other planets were not known in his time—and then, in a wonderful attempt, here is the solar system, the planets we talked about, all in that central dot and a rosette to represent the cometary orbits known in his time. He did not go very far beyond the present orbit of Pluto. And then he imagined, a large distance away, the nearest star then known, Sirius, around which he did not quite have the courage to put another rosette of cometary orbits. But there was the clear sense that our system and the systems of other stars were similar.
fig. 4
Here at upper left is the first of four modern illustrations attempting to show just the same thing, in which we see the Earth on its orbit and the other inner planets. Each little dot is intended to represent a fraction of the plethora of small worlds called asteroids. Beyond them is the orbit of Jupiter. And the distance from the Earth to the Sun represented by the scale bar up at the top is called an astronomical unit. This is the first introduction—there will be many of them that I will talk about—of a kind of geocentric or anthropocentric arrogance with which all of the human attempts to look at the cosmos seem to be infected. The idea that an astronomical unit by which we measure the universe has to do with the Earth’s distance from the Sun is clearly a human pretension. But since it is deeply embedded in astronomy, I will continue to use the word.
Product details
- Publisher : Penguin Books (November 2, 2006)
- Publication date : November 2, 2006
- Language : English
- File size : 2.9 MB
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Screen Reader : Supported
- Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
- X-Ray : Not Enabled
- Word Wise : Enabled
- Print length : 314 pages
- Best Sellers Rank: #436,129 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
- #134 in Cosmology (Kindle Store)
- #541 in Cosmology (Books)
- #561 in Science History & Philosophy
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About the authors
Carl Sagan was Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences and Director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies at Cornell University. He played a leading role in the Mariner, Viking, and Voyager spacecraft expeditions to the planets, for which he received the NASA medals for Exceptional Scientific Achievement. Dr. Sagan received the Pulitzer Prize and the highest awards of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation, and many other awards, for his contributions to science, literature, education, and the preservation of the environment. His book Cosmos (accompanying his Emmy- and Peabody Award-winning television series of the same name) was the bestselling science book ever published in the English language, and his bestselling novel, Contact, was turned into a major motion picture.
Photo by NASA/JPL [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
Award winning writer/producer/director Ann Druyan was the Creative Director of NASA’s Voyager Interstellar Message. With her late husband, Carl Sagan, Druyan was co-writer of six New York Times best-sellers, including “Comet,” “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors,” “The Demon Haunted World,” “Billions & Billions” and “The Varieties of Scientific Experience.” She was co-writer of the 1980 television series “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage.” Druyan was co-creator and co-producer of the feature film “Contact,” starring Jodie Foster and directed by Bob Zemeckis. She was the lead executive producer (for which she won the Producer’s Guild and Peabody Awards), co-writer (for which she won the 2014 Emmy) as well as one of three directors of Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey, which was the largest global roll out of a series in television history and has now been seen in 181 countries.
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Customers find the book easy to read and thought-provoking. They appreciate the author's eloquent writing style, clear language, and accessible style. The book provides valuable insights into Carl Sagan's quest for God. Readers also appreciate his sense of humor and playfulness. Overall, the book is described as thoughtful, engaging, and well-written.
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Customers find the book engaging and enjoyable to read. They describe it as a well-done Carl Sagan book that provides an enlightening experience. Readers also mention it should be required reading for undergraduate courses.
"...The Varieties of Scientific Experience is a great book as we see Carl's views on a number of chapters on science, religion and later the Gifford..." Read more
"...day being stimulated and intrigued by this book and there is not a dull page...." Read more
"...Brilliant, revealing and widely applauded, but also very violent. This book is different...." Read more
"...scientific than I have experience with, but in total it is a fabulous book. Enjoy!" Read more
Customers find the book insightful and thought-provoking. It explores how people view science and how science can coexist with religion. Readers appreciate the author's enthusiasm for science and find the book an enriching mental and spiritual exercise. The tone is soft yet elegant, with strong ideas conveyed in a very clear manner.
"...reader to understand the beauty, complexity and the vastness of our known viewable universe...." Read more
"...Not a reaction, but a proposal. A mental and spiritual exercise on these aloof (yet critical) subjects...." Read more
"...you've ever had in your mind, he addresses in a respectful and scientific way. He stretches the concept of..." Read more
"Wonderful and humbling book: it starts by framing the human scientific experience within the cosmos, and our current (privileged)..." Read more
Customers find the book's pacing good. They say the language is clear and easy to read. The author writes in an accessible and affable style. Readers appreciate the editing and the straightforward explanations of scientific concepts.
"...Also the book repeatedly shows Carl as an understanding man, able to listen to other people's views, showing respect without having to deliberately..." Read more
"...the bigger picture should not be scared off - this eloquent book is more considerate and gentle than the recent books on religion by Dawkins, Harris..." Read more
"...A wise, respectful and patient discourse of theology based on science, history and a profound knowledge of the religions of the world...." Read more
"...In here lectures, Sagan gave a very fair, balanced and irenic appraisal of religion...." Read more
Customers find the book insightful and engaging. They say it helps integrate concepts and build new ones. Readers appreciate the scientific evaluations of religious ideas and consider it life-changing. The book presents evidence for or against God's existence, allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.
"...A great book describing science,religion and the search for God. 5 stars and recommended." Read more
"...A wise, respectful and patient discourse of theology based on science, history and a profound knowledge of the religions of the world...." Read more
"...In here lectures, Sagan gave a very fair, balanced and irenic appraisal of religion...." Read more
"...Carl's lectures in this book are very illuminating, and rationally examine the arguments purporting the existence of "God" as western religions..." Read more
Customers enjoy the author's sense of humor and playfulness. They find the book respectful, kind, and not an attack on sacred ideas.
"...A wise, respectful and patient discourse of theology based on science, history and a profound knowledge of the religions of the world...." Read more
"...discussion of the believer's approach, is always respectful and kind, almost filled with tenderness...." Read more
"...Never brash or arrogant, Sagan just makes his case plainly and simply in a way that can't be ignored...." Read more
"...is stuff you already know, he brings a freshness, a joyfulness, a playfulness to it that puts a new spin on the ideas...." Read more
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- Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2011I'm a big fan of the late great scientist/astronomer Carl Sagan. As an amateur astronomer of over 40 years I knew of Carl and considered him a friend even though he never knew of me. I'm trying to read all his published books and have them in our family library.
I've read most of them and most are 5 stars. See my reviews.
The Varieties of Scientific Experience is a great book as we see Carl's views on a number of chapters on science, religion and later the Gifford lecture notes . The pictures were very nice allowing the non scientist reader to understand the beauty, complexity and the vastness of our known viewable universe.
As a Roman Catholic I believe in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ as a man Carl says has been proven enough by the Bible but no proof as to a God. Don't agree, as I see plenty of proof in the Bible but I can understand Carl, as a scientist wanting verifiable proof that could be tested. My belief is based on faith that probably never will be able to be proven.
Through out the book Carl shows evidence of man evolving through natural selection and it taking hundreds of millions of years for life to evolve. I can believe that as well and the extreme age of the 4.5 billion year old Earth. I too believe in the scientific method, evolution and the quest for truth using science.
Carl, INMO did not believe there could be NO God but only asked for proof, the same as being visited by ETs or life on other planets or abductions by ETS.... show the proof. He kept an open mind but wanted proof. Also the book repeatedly shows Carl as an understanding man, able to listen to other people's views, showing respect without having to deliberately trample other scientists views.
Carl was very big into Nuclear Arms dismantling and removing the nuclear threat to mankind. He was very worried about the possible extinction of the human race due to a nuclear arms war/exchange. Read some of his other books on this...see my reviews.
Carl was much more optimistic than me in believing the possible existence of life in the universe in some very harsh environments. I too believe in other life in the universe but find it much more difficult for life to start and thrive in some very harsh environments like Carl believed in.
I really liked the question and answer section on the Gifford lectures. A few of the questions are questions I would of liked to have asked Carl. So here is a record for history of a great man, scientist, husband and father. You can tell Carl never stopped asking questions of this or that in science especially the "why". INMO one of the top minds of the 20th century.
Again I feel bad I never met Carl Sagan but at least we have his books to examine his teachings and ideas. Thank you Ann Druyan and your friend for saving and compiling the discussions of Carl's at the Gifford lectures. A great book describing science,religion and the search for God. 5 stars and recommended.
- Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2006Science's esteemed friend Carl Sagan died prematurely in 1996. What a pleasure it is to read more of his crystal clear prose. In these transcripts of his 1985 Gifford Lectures on Natural Theology at the University of Glasgow, he gives us his rich insights on the relationship between science and religion. William James had a turn in the early 20th century and turned his lectures into the acclaimed "Varieties of Religious Experiences." "Varieties of Scientific Experiences" is edited by Sagan's widow and collaborator Ann Druyan and she acknowledges his admiration for James in the title of this book.
Starting with cosmology, Sagan leads us through a naturalistic view of the universe - meaning except for the most extreme liberal interpretation of God, He is not part of the equation. But the believer who desires the bigger picture should not be scared off - this eloquent book is more considerate and gentle than the recent books on religion by Dawkins, Harris, and Dennett. As usual with Sagan, it is also a treatise on why we should view our world with a scientific, rational mind-set. Sagan's bottom line was always: "Show me the evidence." In an interview, Sagan was once pressed by a reporter for a premature conclusion. When asked, "But what's your gut feeling," Sagan replied, "I try not to think with my gut."
I spent a whole day being stimulated and intrigued by this book and there is not a dull page. An 11th century Hindu logician presented the following proofs for the Hindu "all-knowing and imperishable but not necessarily omnipotent and compassionate God":
1. First cause - sounds familiar
2. Argument from atomic combinations - bonding of atoms requires a conscious agent
3. Argument from suspension of the world - somebody has to be holding it up
4. Argument from the existence of human skills
5. Existence of authoritative knowledge - Vedas, the Hindu holy books
Sagan compares them to the Western arguments:
1. First cause - otherwise known as the cosmological argument.
2. Argument from design
3. Moral argument - attributed to Kant
4. Ontological argument - Man is imperfect, there must be something greater that is perfect, therefore God exists
5. Argument from consciousness - I have self-awareness, therefore God exists
6. Argument from religious experiences
Sagan briefly discusses each item on these somewhat similar lists, ending with, "I must say that the net result is not very impressive. It is very much as if we are seeking a rational justification for something that we otherwise hope will be true." About the moral argument, he says, "It does not follow if we are powerfully motivated to take care of our young or the young of everybody on the planet, that God made us do it. Natural selection can make us do it, and almost surely has."
After each of the nine lectures, Sagan took selected written questions from the audience - most of them from believers and one of them signed by God Almighty himself. He answered them all with wit, grace, and poise and this 37 page segment is not to be missed - the whole book is not to be missed and gets my highest recommendation. Whether or not you've previously read Carl Sagan, you're in for a treat.
Top reviews from other countries
- AbyReviewed in India on September 30, 2017
5.0 out of 5 stars quality of book is good
has color pictures inside :) . I got it for 327 rupees from seller 'Amazing Buy'. I think it's the first time the price was so low.
- JaKoZonReviewed in Canada on May 20, 2014
5.0 out of 5 stars Carl Sagan's Classic yet published posthumously, 'An Update'
Collected lectures by the very same person who convinced NASA to turn their Voyager 1 around and snap a shot of Earth from 6 terameters (3.7 billion miles or 40 AU) away... (see: 'The Pale Blue Dot')
Dated, the lectures took place in 1980's -- you'd have to look in footnotes for updates, but that doesn't take a bit from this great source of wisdom. (Illustrations, mostly color photos, are up-to-date though.)
As the name points-out, the book could be understood as an 'Update' on James' series, 'The Varieties of Religious Experience...', in very near, ~80+ years, 'space-time.'
If you've ever looked for an entity of omnipresence and omnipotence and didn't find any believable one -- try this: Dr. Sagan isn't omniscient; however, he can explain to any reasonably open mind his own understanding "the Nature of the Sacred."
As many scientists before and after him tried to explain their special relationship with their work and it's object -- the world it tries to understand better, Dr. Sagan is on the humble side: he doesn't claim to favour any 'ism, yet one can be pretty sure where he stands.
One last bit of Dr. Sagan's legacy (another 'Update' -- on Socrates I think): "...if we ever reach the point where we think we thoroughly understand who we are and where we came from, we will have failed..."
- Martin JahnReviewed in Germany on January 21, 2013
5.0 out of 5 stars An inspiring book
The Varieties of Scientific Experience is a deeply philosophical and very wise book, showing without doubt that atheism doesn't have to mean nihilism at all!
- Withnail67Reviewed in the United Kingdom on June 7, 2008
5.0 out of 5 stars A wonderful reminder of a unique voice
This wonderful book is based on mislaid transcripts of Sagan's Gifford lectures at the University of Glasgow in 1985. They form a touching and warmly fascinating reminder of the unique personality that was Carl Sagan. If, like me, you stayed up late at night in the pre-VCR age to watch his landmark 1980 series 'Cosmos', you'll have some idea of the scope of Sagan's intellect.
These lectures centre on the comparison between the view of the universe contained within the sceintific and religous paradigms. Sagan's knowledge of astronomy and his support of what can be crudely summarised as informed scepticism gives some suggestion of his point of view. His topics are extra terrestrial intelligence, the exploration of the universe, the development of the scientific method and the dangers posed by the ability of the human race to destroy itself.
The book is beautifully designed with Sagan's original slides and illustrations replaced by new images from, for instance, the Cassini probe. Sensitive editing by his colleague and wife Ann Druyan points out where Sagan's beloved scientific method has moved knowledge on since the lectures were given. Transcripts of the question and answer sessions at the lectures are an especial delight, and give a touching indication of Sagan's empathy.
This is a fine testament to a wise man. I really enjoyed hearing his voice again, and it stands comparison with other current advocates of the scientific, sceptical position who are rather more shrill and less empatic in their advocacy. Perhaps the stakes are higher? Sagan is a model for those who find enough to worship in human potential and the universe around them.
- Rohak BardalaiReviewed in Canada on May 5, 2020
5.0 out of 5 stars A great abridged lecture collection
I wish I was there to see Dr. Sagan's talks. This book pulls together his eloquence very well.